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US Withdraws from UNESCO

Autor(en): Karema Hassan am Freitag, 13. Oktober 2017
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Quelle: pixabay.com


The Trump administration withdrew the US from UNESCO.  Israel has followed suit and planning to leave UNESCO.  What is provoking these depatures?

The United States and Israel have signalled that they are withdrawing from UNESCO citing an anti-Israel bias. The Trump administration made the official announcement on Thursday, followed by Israel preparing their own departure. UNESCO is an important part of the UN with the purpose to facilitate peace and international collaboration. The decisions of both countries were not taken lightly and reflects the need for reform within this world heritage authority.

What is UNESCO?

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is a special agency of the UN based in Paris which currently has 195 members and eight associate members. It is most popular for its designation of world heritage sites, global development missions that include promoting sex education, literacy, clean water and equality for women. UNESCO was formed in 1945 with the ideology, forged by WW I and WW II that political and economic alliances were not enough to build world peace. Therefore, UNESCO was established to facilitate peace, solidarity and international collaboration through education, science and cultural reforms.

Withdrawal of the US and Israel

The withdrawal of the US and Israel from UNESCO stems from “a continued anti-Israel bias” and escalating membership dues. Since 2011, the US cancelled paying their dues in protest against the agency accepting the admission of Palestine for full membership into UNESCO. Payments have ballooned to the US owing approximately $550 million and one of the reasons for departure.

The US has a history of removing themselves from this international body, making this the second time. During the Cold War, the United States withdrew from the agency in 1984 because the Reagan administration presumed the organization overly critical of Israel, however, rejoined again in 2003 under George Bush. For the US and Israel, the recognition of world heritage sites in the Palestinian territories, Hebron and the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem demonstrate an anti-Israel prejudice. Tensions further escalated the resolution for both countries to pull out of UNESCO with the keeping of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad on a Unesco human rights committee even after his murderous crackdown on peaceful protestors. The Trump administration intends to continue providing American perspective and expertise to UNESCO, but as a non-member observer. The official US departure will take effect in December 2018 while Israel is still planning their withdrawal.

Platte des Monats

Conor O'Brien zeigt mit The Art of Pretending to Swim, dass Indie-Folk auch im Jahr 2018 noch spannender klingen kann, als man das von diesem Genre erwartet hätte. Das vierte Album der Villagers vereint, was eigentlich widersprüchlich wirkt: Folk mit R'n'B und Experimentierfreude mit Zugänglichkeit. 

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