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Kunst in Sendling

Bucket List Requirement

Autor(en): Hassan, Karema am Freitag, 29. September 2017
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Quelle: www.facebook.com/Kunst.in.Sendling

Kunst in Sendling

Art is the heart of Munich. Journey through an untapped gold mine of local artists waiting to be discovered. Take a trip this weekend to Kunst in Sendling. 

Calling all art lovers! The 2017 Kunst in Sendling event is taking place this weekend for the fifteenth time. The event is an Open Atelierage at twenty nine different locations around the Sendling neighbourhood where ninety artists from various areas of painting, graphic design, textile design, photography, performance and media art showcase their works. The open atelier days offer visitors guided tours that allow you to get to know exceptional art exhibits and workshops. The entrance free event is also a way to support local Munich artists and continue to promote art and culture in the Sendling district.

Art in your Backyard

There is a wide variety of artistic displays from photography to art to musical performances right in your backyard. It would be cool to check out the Kontorhaus where artist Stefan Caspari is photographing people with their favorite vegetables and you can even take the artistic photo home as a nice Kunst in Sendling souvenir. If you have the taste for interdisciplinary space installations for theater and dance there are several installations in the KloHäuschen at the Grossmarkthalle by artist Manuela Müller. There are also some musical performances during the course of the weekend, such as the young aspiring musicians of Trio Al Forno presenting a unique mix of tango and jazz music and singer / songwriter Wolfgang Klossek playing blues on the guitar.

The "Open Atelierage" held this year from Friday the 29th of September until Sunday the 1st of October is an exciting way to re-discover Munich and be a tourist in the city. Don't miss three special days to be apart of creative minds and inspiring community. It is a great opportunity to connect and have personal discussions with the artists while taking a journey through art.

Platte des Monats

Conor O'Brien zeigt mit The Art of Pretending to Swim, dass Indie-Folk auch im Jahr 2018 noch spannender klingen kann, als man das von diesem Genre erwartet hätte. Das vierte Album der Villagers vereint, was eigentlich widersprüchlich wirkt: Folk mit R'n'B und Experimentierfreude mit Zugänglichkeit. 

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