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Indie Compilation

Alternative Rock aus L.A.: ALSO

Autor(en): Gloria Grünwald am Donnerstag, 6. August 2015
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Quelle: M94.5

Drew Conrad auf unserem Sofa

Indie Bands aus den USA entdecken? „Birdstone Records“ aus Hamburg packt sie euch auf eine CD. Mit dabei: Drew Conrad und Band ALSO aus L.A.


Wenn bei einem Familienbesuch in München ein spontaner Besuch bei M94.5 herausspringt: Drew Conrad, Sänger der Indie-Band ALSO aus Los Angeles, spricht über seine Inspirationsquelle klassische Musik und spielt einen Song live.

You've played an acoustic session with ALSO at our old studio back in 2009. How does it feel like to be back in Munich now?

It feels great. I love Germany, i love Munich. We have some very close friends here. And the difference between then and now is that now I have two children who are seeing Munich for the first time, so it's really fun to see them experiencing a new city and a new culture.

Could you explain your connection to Munich. How did you end up working with the local management agency Alt. Shores?

In the early days of MySpace, when it was still a very fun place to be, we had our music out there. And one day I was contacted by someone who really liked our music. We kept chatting more and more with Mato von Vogelstein. We were about to go on a European Tour and much of the tour was going to be in the UK and France. Last minute before the tour the festival in France was shut down. Mato asked: if I get you shows in Germany, will you come to Germany? And I said: yeah, but that's in two weeks. And I don't know how he did it, but he managed to put together quite a good german tour. We had an absolutely fabulous time and we've become the very closest of friends since then. And in fact I flew Mato out to L.A. to work on the new EP "Chinese Ghost City" with us. So it all started off on the Internet.

Together with your bandmates Mark and Scotland, you're ALSO. The band name ALSO implies possibility...?

There may be darkness in life, but there's also happiness, there's joy.
But the idea behind the band name is that every failure - one could see it as a failure and decide not to try again, but you could also see it as a way to learn and improve next time. So it's really meant to be a reminder that there's always multiple ways to look at any given situation in life.


ALSO sind mit dem Song Limousine auf der ersten Ausgabe der Indie Compilation von Birdstone Records vertreten.


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