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Lloyd Williams im Interview

Bierkrüge als Merchandise

Autor(en): Joanna Alencar Baban am Freitag, 18. September 2015
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Quelle: M94.5

Singer-Songwriter Lloyd Williams

Im März und Mai war Lloyd Williams schon in München, aber noch nie bei M94.5 - höchste Zeit also!

Der Singer- Songwriter aus Brighton wirkt auf den ersten Blick wie ein richtiger Rocker: lange Haare, Tattoos und eine etwas freche Einstellung. Doch manchmal steckt in der harten Schale ein weicher Kern - denn sobald Lloyd Williams seine Akustik- Gitarre oder sein Banjo auspackt heißt es emotionsgeladene Folk- Songs voller Melancholie!
Im Gespräch mit M94.5 erzählt er von seiner Liebe zu Deutschland, seine Abenteuer in Indien und seinem ganz besonderen Aufnahmestil.


You've not only toured in Europe but also in India and Nepal. Any special memories?
„Just the people. The people were so wonderful and the fact that the music that I was playing wasn't necessarily something that many of them would have heard. For example, rock music is really popular there at the moment. In some areas of India and Nepal their last album was the Metallica „Black Album“ or something, which is like 20-30 years old. A long-haired guy playing the banjo and an acoustic guitar wasn't something they were used to. But they welcomed me with warmth and kindness and love and it was beautiful.“

Your first Album is called „Time“ and was recorded entirely analogue, which means that you didn't use any fancy digital programs to tune your songs. Why did you chose this kind of recording? Will your new records be recorded the same way?
„It's for the most part analogue because I think that a lot of bands are coming around to this idea that in certain modern music now, a little bit of magic is  lost from the fact that everything can be done seperately. I think that when you get musicians and you're limited to how many times you can keep doing something -  some of the times the things in music which aren't perfect are the things, which give it it's beauty and it's quality. And when you record it in that way it's a much different exercise, much different process and it just works better for the sort of music I do. It wouldn't suit everyone, but it works well for me.“  

Could you ever imagine moving to Germany?
„Yes, absolutely one day. I love Germany, I love the people and the concerts that I play here. They're much different to the ones in England. Yeah, it's a lovely place to come and perform and play...and write!“



Platte des Monats

Conor O'Brien zeigt mit The Art of Pretending to Swim, dass Indie-Folk auch im Jahr 2018 noch spannender klingen kann, als man das von diesem Genre erwartet hätte. Das vierte Album der Villagers vereint, was eigentlich widersprüchlich wirkt: Folk mit R'n'B und Experimentierfreude mit Zugänglichkeit. 

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