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Yukon Blonde Im Interview

"It's All About Her"

Quelle: M94.5

Yukon blonde

Die Indie Rocker Yukon Blonde waren bei uns in der Hörbar zu Gast und haben uns über Herzschmerz, ihren neuen Sound und Dave Grohl erzählt.


Guys let's talk about your music. Listening to your new songs you can definitely hear a change in your musical style, for example you use much more synth. Was this planned or did this come about naturally?

It was definitely a natural change. The synths were the first instrument I played when I was a teenager. I got into rock'n'roll troughout my twenties and I feel I just started going back to it and appreciate them. And I feel like it's just sort of the era right now, I feel like people are just more open to analog synth right now.


Jeff, after your last Europe tour you ended up in Spain for quite some time. Do you feel like the place influenced your newest songs?

Yes, I feel like it influenced the whole record. I feel like it's all about her. I met somebody in Madrid and we just kept on this conversation, so I fell in love with this girl and planned to go back to Spain. And this relationship lasted for two years and than we broke up. So the beginning of this record is all about falling in love and the end of it is basically about breaking up, it's pretty intense and kind of an emotional rollercoaster.


You're also going to release an album sometime in the future. In contrast to the last ones the songs will not only be written by you, Jeff. How was the songwriting process different for all of you.

I feel like it was not that much of a difference. This record is gonna be a 13 song record and it features also 4 songs that weren't written by me, so two were written by Brandon and two by James, our bass player. And one of the things why this record sounded more like the last one is that half of it was recorded by us in our little studio and the rest of it was made better in other studios. And I don't think we are going to many other studios anymore, because we are really enjoying the production process.


So you have kind of your own little headquarters like the Foo Fighters?

Yes, we almost had the chance to go there, because we were touring with the bass player of the Foo Fighters. So we did an entire tour with them and at the end we played a show at the the troubadour in Los Angeles and there we met all of the Foo Fighters and partied with them.


I've also read that at one of your shows here in Munich you were inspired to write „Crazy“, how did that come about?

We were soundchecking a song and sometimes we just pick a part of it and kind of jam it out. And I just went out for a cigarette and they were jamin' inside. Than I just started singing this new melody in my phone and I ended up writing this whole new song to the course of this other song.

Platte des Monats

Conor O'Brien zeigt mit The Art of Pretending to Swim, dass Indie-Folk auch im Jahr 2018 noch spannender klingen kann, als man das von diesem Genre erwartet hätte. Das vierte Album der Villagers vereint, was eigentlich widersprüchlich wirkt: Folk mit R'n'B und Experimentierfreude mit Zugänglichkeit. 

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