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Current Swell im Interview

Weinschläuche aus Kanada

Autor(en): Andrej Prescher am Dienstag, 6. Juni 2017
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Quelle: M94.5

Current Swell

Die kanadische Indie-Band über ausgefallenes Merch, Differenzen mit Produzenten und persönliche Geschichten in eigenen Songs.

On your facebook page you posted a photo of a very unusual merch idea last year. Your fans can buy wineskins with your Band logo written on it. Why a wineskin?

Scott: I found one at a thrift store once and I always used it. And our manager, a friend of ours, always saw it and then he found it online. And he said: „Oh this would be an interesting merch idea.“ So we started bringing it to shows and filling it up full of wine and giving people some on stage. And they liked it. And now we brought some to Germany.

You released your new album last month. It's your sixth record, called „When to Talk and when to Listen“. And I've read a story that there were some tensions between you and your producer Jacquire King at the beginning. King said that you should come back when you had something worthwhile to say. Didn't you feel offended by that?

Scott: No. I think we were goofing around in the studio and we weren't really locking in and performing well. And he said we should be really intentional with what we do, get our program set, do it and not goof around. It was not about the words that we were saying, it was more like: „We're here and let's do our job.“ It was good to be pushed like that.

Dave: As a band we talked about it and said: Okay we're here to do something, let's not goof around, let's get to business. And we came back in at the end of the day and it was like: This is the band I want to work with and thanks for getting together.

Today you kick off your tour through Europe starting here in Munich. Artists often say there are differences from the live shows for example in Canada or America to the ones in Europe. Meaning, people expect different things from a live show. How do you think about that? Will the show in Munich be different tonight?

Scott: That's a good question. We haven't been back to Germany for three years. And we've always had a lot of fun here, had good shows. We're exited to be back. We try to get over a jetlag and just want to have fun playing today.

Dave: It's cool because there are differences. The more north you go, people are different in all regions. If you play in Rotterdam for example people are quite reserved there. And they're watching your show quietly and are attentive. And we're like: Are they feeling it now while we're giving it all? And then you stop the song and people go crazy. And then you start playing the next song and they're quiet again. And Munich is interesting because it's a mix of the sort of crazy fans we have in Canada and the northern European sort of things.

Platte des Monats

Conor O'Brien zeigt mit The Art of Pretending to Swim, dass Indie-Folk auch im Jahr 2018 noch spannender klingen kann, als man das von diesem Genre erwartet hätte. Das vierte Album der Villagers vereint, was eigentlich widersprüchlich wirkt: Folk mit R'n'B und Experimentierfreude mit Zugänglichkeit. 

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