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Dream-Tronic aus Sydney


Autor(en): Laura Kern am Freitag, 15. Mai 2015
Quelle: © Radio M94.5(M94.5)


Einmal um die Welt! Das australische Duo BOO SEEKA macht während ihrer Europa-Tour einen Zwischenstopp bei M94.5

Sie kommen von ganz weit her, um mit uns ihre Musik zu teilen. Ben Gumbleton und Sam Croft alias BOO SEEKA sind gerade auf ihrer sechswöchigen Tour quer durch Europa und machen unter anderem Halt hier in München.
Ihren einzigartigen Sound zu beschreiben ist schwer, sie selbst sprechen aber von einer wilden Mischung aus Psych-Soul, Hip- Hop und Dream-Tronica. In Australien haben sie schon vor 15000 Menschen performt, in Europa jedoch müssen sie erst noch ein paar Herzen erobern. Ihre Debut- Single "Kingdom Leader" ist nur ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf ihre EP, die im Sommer erscheinen soll. Auf ein Album lässt sich danach bestimmt auch nicht mehr lange warten.

You're already quite a big deal in Australia. We heard that you played a gig for 15000 people right before jumping on the plane to Europe. How does it feel to perform infront of a smaller audience now?

Sam: How does it feel...it's probably how it should have felt in Australia. I don't know, we were kind of blessed. We had a lucky start in Australia and started playing infront of a lot of people pretty quickly, but here it's gonna go right back to reality to start working hard again and play infront of smaller audiences.

Ben: Yeah, it's really cool to get to know people this way as well, which is great.

You had a really fast start. BOO SEEKA is only a few months old, but you can already boast with an impressive amount of shows. Things are going pretty fast for you guys. How are you dealing with your rapid success so far? It must be a little overwhelming.

Ben: Well, we really didn't have time to even think about it until we landed in Berlin. We've been staying at Rob's house [Rob Hope] and we had 48 hours just to sleep and just kinda think about what's been happening the last four months. It's crazy, we can't believe what's happened. It's awesome.

Is it easier for you to play live? Or is it like the first time you stand on the stage where you're like - no big deal.

No, it's still a huge deal for us 'cause it's so new I think we haven't had any time to really sit down and think about it - we've just had to go, so after each show were still talking about of what we can do better and how we can improve on it.

Platte des Monats

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