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The Fur Coats im Interview

Flauschige Musik

Autor(en): Shiloh Wilson am Donnerstag, 11. Oktober 2018
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Quelle: M94.5

The furcoats

The Fur Coats aus dem amerikanischen Portland machen psychedelischen Funk-Rock gemischt mit einem Hauch Soul.



Your band consists of 6 members. Is it hard to write songs with such many influences and opinions?

I would say we never really have any problems. When we write things it's usually very simple. And then we bring it to practice and everyone writes their own version of it. We all have a lot of interests and musicians we're inspired by but they're all kind of the same, so it works, it's pretty easy.

Do your songs develop on the road or do you need peace and quietness to write?

We haven't written anything in the van yet. I've had a hard time writing. You're so busy when you're on tour, you're just going from point A to point B. We've written a lot of hilarious songs. But it doesn't necessarily have to be a quiet place to write music. We normally find a place to rent at the ocean or on a mountain and try to write thirty songs and pick out the good ones.

Back in the 80s Portland used to be an important place for the Punk-Rock scene. Were you influenced by those local artists?

I think ethically yes. Musically...not so much. If anything we're influenced by the early Garage-Rock of the 60s like The Sonics and bands like that. There's just lots of influences all over. And none of us are from Portland either, we've just lived there for the last decade or so.

Platte des Monats

Conor O'Brien zeigt mit The Art of Pretending to Swim, dass Indie-Folk auch im Jahr 2018 noch spannender klingen kann, als man das von diesem Genre erwartet hätte. Das vierte Album der Villagers vereint, was eigentlich widersprüchlich wirkt: Folk mit R'n'B und Experimentierfreude mit Zugänglichkeit. 

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